

How long will it take to receive my print(s)?

Apart from our pre-printed A1 lithographs, all of our prints are made to order and then transported to John for his signature, this process typically takes 2-3 weeks in total. Shipping is on top of this, but we expect your order to reach you in around 3-4 weeks, sometimes longer if we are very busy.  If you are in a hurry then please get in touch. 

Can I receive a specific dedication on the print?

Yes, after you have ordered you will receive an email confirmation - follow the instructions there to email us regarding your dedication. There is no extra charge.

I am in Brazil, why can I not place an order?

We are sorry but whenever we ship to Brazil we lose money, things go missing, customers are charged insane amounts for import and if they refuse to pay then the authorities simply dispose of the items.  We have taken the very difficult decision to block sales to Brazil. 

What are the various print sizes?

Small giclées are 21 x 29.7 cm (8.3 x 11.7 inches), Medium giclées are 29.7 x 42 cm (16.5 x 11.7 inches), Large Posters and A1 lithographs are 84.1 x 59.4 cm (33.1 x 23.4 inches), Huge Posters are 118.9 x 84.1 cm (46.8 x 33.1 inches). Medium box canvases are 41 x 30.5cm x 2cm (16 x 12 x 0.8 inches inches), Large Box Canvases are 41 x 61 x 2 cm (18 x 24 x 0.8 inches), Huge Canvases are 118.9 x 84.1 cm (46.8 x 33.1 inches) and Giant canvases are 168.2 x 118.9 cm (66.2 x 46.8 inches).

What do the box canvases look like?

They look spectacular! The edges are mirrored (so no artwork is lost from the front).  They are supplied with a hanging kit.


Can I buy wallpaper/mobile phone case/chefs apron with my favourite image on it?

Unfortunately we are only able to sell prints for Magic: the Gathering images, other images however we may be able to produce as requested. We are not allowed to distribute digital files of Magic work. Please send your requests via our contact page.

Can John draw the cover for my album/book/game card/flyer/Christmas card etc?

John is not currently taking on new clients 

Can I get my cards signed/altered?

Yes you can for a small fee, please note we are in the UK so there are shipping costs/delays. Our card signing information is here.

I’m an aspiring artist, how did you get to where you are and any do you have any advice for me?

John completed a degree in graphic design, but this was in the 1980's before computers, so it was classical training, oils, acrylics and a more recent innovation; airbrush. This quote from Salvador Dali, who significantly influenced John as a child, is good advice for someone who wishes to follow the path; "Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you."

Is John going to be attending any shows?

John has a condition which causes him excessive fatigue and accordingly is rarely able to commit to attending shows, however he is working hard to rectify this and we are hopeful things will improve. Please see our exhibitions page where we will update any future activities.

If we have not answered your question here please use our contact page.